Protect Yourself from Ransomware

Ransomware is a malware that designed to prevent access to your computer system and also will encrypt all the files in it. Meaning to say, you are no longer have the control of your own computer and files. In order to get back access to your computer and files, you will need to pay the ransom.

Even though Law enforcement might encourage individuals or businesses to pay the ransom in order to get the files back but cyber-security is not recommend it because there's no guarantee that paying the ransom will give you access to your files again and it will makes you a target on the next attack.

There are 3 common ransomware type:-

No. 1 |
Scareware is a fake application such as antivirus tools that tricks users into believing their computer is infected with a virus, then suggests to download and demand a payment to fix it. This type of scareware usually found when browsing gaming or video channel that have generate ads and without realize it, they click on it then download and install the application.

No. 2 | Browser or screen locking ransomware is a Law enforcement scams that use fake government messages to claim they've detected illegal activity on your computer and demand a fine to be paid.

No. 3 | Encrypting ransomware, a Pop-up messages tell your files are encrypted and demand a sum of money to be paid by a deadline in order to get back the files. In this type, there are nothing more you can do unless to pay the ransom or let go the files.

You're vulnerable to the threat if:-
  • Still using an outdated or legacy equipment that no longer have any firmware update
  • Not updating your operating system and browser with the latest patch that available
  • Install and using a legacy software or illegal software like crack software that vulnerable            to threat
  • Lack of cyber-security information and strategy to protect your devices or business from            threat

To avoid this, what you'll need is to get more knowledge about the current threat and prepare a proactive prevention to stop the threat from coming in. In order to stop or prevent the threat from happen, you'll need to:-

Step 1 | Ensure your devices is up to date with the latest firmware that available.
Step 2 | Latest patch of your current Operating system need to be apply once available.
Step 3 | Anti-Virus must be install and up to date with the latest signature.
Step 4 |  Backup your files regularly and make several copies in other location to avoid losing the files in event of ransomware. A cloud storage might be a good idea.

See : Cloud Storage.

Step 5 |
Re-Install operating system and application will take some time and it does not good for business. Having a computer backup Image will save the trouble rather than start it from scratch. Ensure to make a regularly backup of your computer image so that you can restore your computer with the latest backup.

Knowledge and prevention are the keys to prevent this threat from happen. Without a proper strategy to secure your endpoint, you might become one of the victim of RANSOMWARE.

See : Protect Yourself on the Internet, Common Types of Cyber Threats & Cyber Threat Map

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